Welcome to SimAUD 2025

May 26-29, 2025
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

The 16th annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD) offers a platform to unite researchers and practitioners in the fields of architecture, urban design, urban planning, building science, and data science. SimAUD 2025 invites submissions across a range of topics related to simulation with a special emphasis on methods that bridge disciplinary gaps between design, construction, operations, resource management, human behavior, and performance analytics across building and urban scales.

SimAUD 2025 will be held as a conference track in ANNSIM 2025, the flagship annual conference of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, at Complutense University of Madrid in Spain (see photo below).


  • Paper Submission Deadline (BLINDED): January 19, 2025 February 2nd 4th, 2025
  • Acceptance Notification March 7, 2025
  • Camera-ready Version Deadline (NON-BLINDED): March 26, 2025
  • Conference Program Announced April 9, 2025


Full Papers: max 12 pages long (one extra page with references and bios is allowed) in single-column format.

Short Papers: max 6 pages long in single-column format.

Tutorials: Proposals should be one to two pages and must include the following information:

  • Title of the tutorial and description (max 2 pages)
  • Organizers and their affiliations (including short bios)
  • Expected duration of the tutorial: 90 minutes, 120 minutes, a half-day, or full day.
A tutorial may submit a full paper to one of the related technical tracks and if accepted after peer-review, it will appear in the conference proceedings.

Ph.D. Colloquium: Students interested in participating in the colloquium should submit a 2-page description of their dissertation. The abstract should have a single author (the student) and must be formatted using the Author Instructions. The advisor should be included in the acknowledgments. The advisor of the participating student must e-mail a letter of recommendation in support of the student’s application. to the Ph.D. Colloquium.

Enter the ANNSIM 2025 Submission System


Below you will find PDF forms including general guidelines for preparing and submitting your paper, the required transfer of copyright and author certification form, tips for writing a quality paper, as well as tips for giving a high-quality presentation (all presenters are encouraged to read this). We encourage all submissions to use LaTeX, and we have provided an Overleaf template to simplify the process of starting your paper. Authors are also able to use Word. Please note that these paper templates have changed significantly from previous versions. Please do not use a template from a previous year, as this will cause your manuscript to not be submitted.


Once you decide on a paper template, the general process for preparing and submitting a conference paper is as follows: 

  • Decide on a format (LaTeX is recommended but Word and Overleaf is allowed). The overleaf template is a quick way to start.
  • Modify those files to produce your submission. Remember to stay within the page limit and to remove all identifying information, as submissions are double-blind.
  • If your paper is accepted, you will have to submit to the paper submission site the final material: final version of paper (ZIP file), completed & signed Transfer of Copyright form, completed & signed Author Certification form, and a copy of your registration receipt. At least one author must register in advance for each accepted paper and come present it at the conference.

Policy on the use of AI in research papers: The use of Generative AI to help with writing some of the paper must be disclosed in the acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an SCS publication. Generative AI includes the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT. If this use is specific to certain sections of the paper, we encourage authors to identify such sections (e.g., “We used GPT 4 to draft section 3.2”). The policy applies to conferences such as the Annual Modelling & Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), or extended versions submitted to the Society’s journals (Simulation: Transactions of the SCS, The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation).